“When you let yourself be loved, really loved, when you let your heart open and soften, when you love yourself for a long, long, time, then you become real….and once you are real your heart opens”. Margery Williams
Looking back on my life, and on a more personal level, I bring together all of my life experiences into who I am. In my work with people I combine a wide knowledge of the body with intuition, presence, a deep understanding and acceptance of the human condition. I care deeply about people and their precious lives.
When I left West Africa and began my studies in spirituality and body therapies in California, I became aware that most of me, and of my life had been focused on doing rather than on being, on pleasing others, and helping others in a variety of ways. Something more within me was asking to be born, to be allowed to emerge. And so the outward journey I had made to Africa, I was now beginning to make inside myself with all the unknowns. I wanted to become more real, to own my humanity, my vulnerability, to find the light and the dark places within myself, my fullness and wholeness as a human being.
So gradually over time, through Rosen Method-Bodytherapy and Movement in particular, Spiritual Direction, and other healing experiences, I began more and more to find myself. All the pain, the losses, and the things I had pushed away within myself, came into light and a new me, a more real me, began to emerge. I began to feel so much more joy within my being, more at ease, more flexible, and like the Velveteen Rabbit in the Nursery story, “more real”.
Says the Velveteen Rabbit, “when you let yourself be loved, really loved, when you let your heart open and soften, when you love yourself for a long, long, time, then you become real….and once you are real your heart opens”.